Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

UNU-CRIS working paper, 2020, 10: The Local, the National and the International: Diplomacy Transformation and SubState Responses A Study of State Coherence and Constituent Emancipation

Oorspronkelijke titel: The Local, the National and the International: Diplomacy Transformation and SubState Responses A Study of State Coherence and Constituent Emancipation
Publicatiejaar: 2020 Editie: 10 Aantal pagina's: 78

This thesis’ objective is to shed light on the interplay between the local, national, and international level. Thereby, it primarily focuses on paradiplomacy, designating the involvement of subnational governments in international relations. As will be shown subsequently, paradiplomacy indicates the state of societal coherence within a state. While it does not need to threaten the label of sovereignty, it can take over tasks like welfare provision and maintaining solidarity both locally and beyo

Bron: - 24-02-2021
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