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CSB Working Paper, 2022, 5: Food aid in Europe in times of the COVID-19 crisis: An international survey project

Oorspronkelijke titel: Food aid in Europe in times of the COVID-19 crisis: An international survey project
Publicatiejaar: 2022 Editie: 5 Aantal pagina's: 113

Food aid has become an integral part of welfare states across Europe, which was particularly striking during the socio-economic COVID-19 crisis. So far, however, there has been little cross-national research on how food aid is organised and embedded in European welfare arrangements. The international project "Food aid in Europe in times of the COVID-19 crisis" therefore addressed this research gap by conducting a cross-sectional survey and collecting quantitative data on food aid in different Eu…

Bron: Working Paper no. 22/05, p. 2 - 03-10-2022
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Sociaaleconomische analyses
Internationale vergelijking
Johanna Greiss
Heleen Delanghe
Karen Hermans
Holger Schoneville