Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

UNU-CRIS working paper, 2023, 4: Regional Cooperation and Integration: Why? Where? and So What?

Oorspronkelijke titel: Regional Cooperation and Integration: Why? Where? and So What?
Publicatiejaar: 2023 Editie: 4 (april) Aantal pagina's: 29

This working paper reports on the main conclusions of an ambitious handbook project (Handbook on Regional Cooperation and Integration, published by Edward Elgar).

The handbook answers three fundamental questions: Why is regional cooperation needed? Where has it been implemented? What does the empirical evidence tell us about its effectiveness and impact?

It is shown that there are strong normative theoretical arguments in favour of regional cooperation in various policy fields, based on a …

Bron: - 13-09-2022
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Regionale economie
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