Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

UNU-CRIS working paper, 2020, 5: The Flanders City SDG Index: A Feasibility Study

Oorspronkelijke titel: Domestic and International Migration Intentions in Response to Environmental Stress: A Global Cross-Country Analysis
Publicatiejaar: 2020 Editie: 5 Aantal pagina's: 29

The purpose of this report is to propose a comprehensive and straightforward, yet sufficiently sophisticated methodology for monitoring the progress of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by the municipalities of Flanders, Belgium. The present report is a preliminary effort to encourage policymakers to take a regional focus and to implement bottom-up policies and initiatives supporting the Sustainable Development Goals.

A distinctive element of this report is that it uses a pre-…

Bron: - 22-11-2020
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