Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

Mapping the glass ceiling: In welke EU-regio's presteren vrouwen het meest, en in welke regio's worden ze het meest benadeeld?

Oorspronkelijke titel: Mapping the glass ceiling: The EU regions where women thrive and where they are held back
Publicatiejaar: 2022 Aantal pagina's: 33

Following the methodology developed by the JRC – in cooperation with DG REGIO – in the 2019 pilot exercise, the regional gender equality monitor consists of two composite indices: the Female Achievement Index (FemAI) and the Female Disadvantage Index (FemDI). They address two specific and complementary aspects of gender equality.

The Female Achievement Index, FemAI, measures the level of female achievement compared to the best regional female performance. FemAI varies between 0 (lowest achieveme…

Bron: - 06-04-2022
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