Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

NBB Working Paper, 2024, 468: The impact of climate transition policies on Belgian firms. What can we learn from a survey?

Oorspronkelijke titel: The impact of climate transition policies on Belgian firms – what can we learn from a survey?
Publicatiejaar: 2024 Editie: 468 Aantal pagina's: 33

This paper examines the impact of current and future climate transition policies on Belgian firms as they approach the 2030 milestone set by the European Green Deal. Using data from an online survey conducted with members of key Belgian employers’ federations, we assess the effects on firms’ costs, pricing, demand, and investment decisions. The climate transition is largely perceived as a classical negative supply shock, resulting in higher prices, squeezed profit m…

Bron: - 02-10-2024
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