Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

NBB Working Paper, 2022, 410: Losing prospective entitlement to unemployment benefits. Impact on educational attainment

Oorspronkelijke titel: Losing prospective entitlement to unemployment benefits. Impact on educational attainment
Publicatiejaar: 2022 Editie: 410 Aantal pagina's: 30

Providing income support to unemployed education-leavers reduces the returns to investments in education because it makes the consequences of unemployment less severe. We exploit in a difference-in-differences approach a two-part policy reform in Belgium to study whether conditioning the prospective entitlement to unemployment benefits for education-leavers on age, and schooling attainment can affect educational achievements. The first part of this reform disqualified labor market entrants over

Bron: - 04-07-2022
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