Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

EPR in the EU Plastics Strategy and the Circular Economy: A focus on plastic packaging

Publicatiejaar: 2017 Aantal pagina's: 56

This study provides policy recommendations to input into the ongoing development of the EU Plastics Strategy and discussions on the Circular Economy Package, with a view to encouraging more ambitious extended producer responsibility (EPR) to bring about a more sustainable use of plastics, and in particular plastic packaging.

This study focuses on packaging as the main user of plastics in Europe, accounting for around 40% of plastics demand. Around 15.4 million tonnes of plastic packaging waste w…

Bron: - 03-02-2022
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Plastic en milieu
Afvalverwerking plastic
Emma Watkins
Susanna Gionfra
Jean-Pierre Schweitzer
Mia Pantzar
Charlotte Janssens
Institute for European Environmental Policy
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