Bron: Do we need an economic impact study or a cost-benefit analysis of a sports event?

Do we need an economic impact study or a cost-benefit analysis of a sports event?

Bron: Do we need an economic impact study or a cost-benefit analysis of a sports event?
Publicatiejaar: 2005 Editie: 2005-018 Aantal pagina's: 15

In this paper, we try to show, using a simple numerical example of a fictive international sports event, that there is a fundamental difference between what is generally called an economic impact study of a sports event and a cost-benefit analysis. The difference is important because an economic impact study does not yield any argument for the government to subsidize the event. Only a cost-benefit analysis can provide the necessary information.

Bron: - 07-03-2022
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Research paper
Economische impactanalyses
Economische impact sport
Stefan Kesenne