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CSB Working Paper, 2023, 3: Not That Basic - How Level, Design and Context Matter for the Redistributive Outcomes of Universal Basic Income

Oorspronkelijke titel: Not That Basic - How Level, Design and Context Matter for the Redistributive Outcomes of Universal Basic Income
Publicatiejaar: 2023 Editie: 3 Aantal pagina's: 36

Proponents of a basic income (BI) claim that it could bring significant reductions in financial poverty, on top of many other benefits, including greatly reduced administrative complexity and cost. Using microsimulation analysis in a comparative two-country setting, we show that the potential poverty reducing impact of BI strongly depends on exactly how and where it is implemented. Implementing a BI requires far more choices than advocates seem to realize. The level at which the BI is set matter…

Bron: Working Paper no. 23/03, p. 2 - 23-02-2023
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