Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

CSB Working Paper, 2021, 9: Using a factorial survey to estimate the relative importance of well-being dimensions according to older people: insights from a repeated survey experiment in Flanders

Oorspronkelijke titel: Using a factorial survey to estimate the relative importance of well-being dimensions according to older people: insights from a repeated survey experiment in Flanders
Publicatiejaar: 2021 Editie: 9 Aantal pagina's: 35

In this paper, we investigated the potential of a factorial survey to estimate the relative importance of the well-being dimensions of health, income, social relations, leisure and religion or spirituality, according to the views of older people. For this purpose, a factorial survey was implemented in a longitudinal online survey among 800 older adults in Flanders (the Flemish region of Belgium). The potential of the factorial survey was explored in two ways. First, we performed several within-s…

Bron: Working Paper no. 21/9, p. 2 - 13-05-2022
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