Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

CSB Working Paper, 2021, 8: An exploration of key factors that determine the affordability of compulsory education in Europe

Oorspronkelijke titel: An exploration of key factors that determine the affordability of compulsory education in Europe
Publicatiejaar: 2021 Editie: 8 Aantal pagina's: 48

This project aims to contribute to the development of indicators that assess the accessibility of publicly provided or subsidized services. Studies have shown that government spending on essential goods and services (such as health care and education) has an important impact on the living standard of households. However, the majority of social policy and poverty research focuses mainly on levels and distribution of cash income, whilst disregarding variations in the accessibility of publicly prov…

Bron: Working Paper no. 21/8, p. 2 - 13-05-2022
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