Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

CSB Working Paper, 2021, 10: Robots and Unions: The Moderating Effect of Organised Labour on Technological Unemployment

Oorspronkelijke titel: Robots and Unions: The Moderating Effect of Organised Labour on Technological Unemployment
Publicatiejaar: 2021 Editie: 10 Aantal pagina's: 30

We analyse the moderating effect of trade unions on industrial employment and unemployment in countries facing exposure to industrial robots. Applying random effects within-between regression to a pseudo-panel of observations from 28 advanced democracies over 1998-2019, we find that stronger trade unions in a country are associated with a greater decline in the industry sector employment of young and low-educated workers. We also show that the unemployment rates for low-educated workers remain c…

Bron: Working Paper no. 21/10, p.2 - 13-05-2022
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Tewerkstelling in de industrie
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