Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

CSB Working Paper, 2018, 1: The measurement of targeting intentions in complex welfare states: a proposal and empirical applications

Oorspronkelijke titel: The measurement of targeting intentions in complex welfare states: a proposal and empirical applications
Publicatiejaar: 2018 Editie: 1 Aantal pagina's: 41

The extent to which welfare states target resources to the poor and the effect this may have on redistribution and public support remains an important question in contemporary social policy and welfare state research. Usually in this line of research, targeting is measured as the extent of transfers accruing to the lowest income groups. Such an outcome measure depends on both policy design and contextual factors, such as the composition of the population. For some research questions however, res…

Bron: CSB Working Paper 2018/1, p. 2 - 03-06-2022
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