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CSB Working Paper, 2017, 1: Atypical Employment and In-Work Poverty: A Different Story for Part-Timers and Temporary Workers?

Oorspronkelijke titel: Atypical Employment and In-Work Poverty: A Different Story for Part-Timers and Temporary Workers?
Publicatiejaar: 2017 Editie: 1 Aantal pagina's: 32

Both part-time and temporary employment have been shown to be associated with particular high poverty rates across Europe. Yet, theoretical arguments as to why this is the case remain scarce. Given the multifaceted nature of in-work poverty, the main aim of this chapter is unravel the different mechanisms that either cause or potentially limit the poverty risk of both groups of atypical workers. The results indicate that both groups are unable to secure a decent income to maintain themselves, no…

Bron: CSB Working Paper 2017/1, p. 2 - 07-06-2022
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