Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

CSB Working Paper, 2012, 11: Education for Children with Special Needs: A Comparative Study of Education Systems and Parental Guidance Services

Oorspronkelijke titel: Education for Children with Special Needs: A Comparative Study of Education Systems and Parental Guidance Services
Publicatiejaar: 2012 Editie: 11 Aantal pagina's: 30

The general and universal right to education has been well established for some time. But despite international agreement, the commitment to education for all is not necessarily linked to obligatory mainstream education for all children with disabilities. The mature European countries have a history of segregating children with special educational needs in special schools and special schools continue to exist in many countries. In addition, initiatives towards more inclusive education systems ar…

Bron: CSB Working Paper 2012/11, p. 2 - 08-06-2022
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