Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

CSB Working Paper, 2010, 9: The standard error of estimates based on EU-SILC. An exploration through the Europe 2020 poverty indicators

Oorspronkelijke titel: The standard error of estimates based on EU-SILC. An exploration through the Europe 2020 poverty indicators
Publicatiejaar: 2010 Editie: 09 Aantal pagina's: 36

Currently, the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) is the single most important data source for cross-national comparative research on income and living conditions in the European Union. As EU-SILC consists of a sample of European households, point estimates should be accompanied by appropriate standard errors and confidence intervals. This is especially so if indicators are constructed for measuring progress towards pre-defined targets such as those of the Europe…

Bron: Working Paper 10/09, p. 2 - 03-06-2022
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