Bron: Coordination of social security systems at a glance 2018
Publicatie - Jaarrapport

Coordination of social security systems at a glance 2018

Bron: Coordination of social security systems at a glance 2018
Publicatiejaar: 2019 Editie: 2018 Aantal pagina's: 102

This statistical report provides an overview and evaluation of the current data collection and reporting on the  coordination of social security systems. It covers data collected both within the framework of the Administrative  Commission and outside this framework (other data available at national or EU level). It draws conclusions and  identifies trends by area. Annex I contains a selection of the collected data by area. Annex II contains country fiches for all EU-28 / EFTA countries. The repo…

Bron: Coordination of social security systems at a glance 2018 - 20-10-2021
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Vergelijkend onderzoek
Cijfers en statistieken Europa
Belgische statistieken
Internationale vergelijking
Frederic De Wispelaere
Lynn De Smedt
In samenwerking met(5)
IRIS (International Research Institute on Social Fraud) | Gent
Milieu Consulting bvba | Sint-Gillis
University of Szeged | Hongarije
Eftheia (European Social Affairs, Management and Communication) bv | Schaarbeek