
2052 A global forecast for the next forty years

Publicatiejaar: 2012 Aantal pagina's: xvi, 392

A report to the Club of Rome commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Limits to growth.
As the countdown to the end of the Mayan calendar nears, humanity is being overwhelmed by a flood of doomsday messages. And while some obsess over the idea of a rock predicting the end of the world, most focus on the changing environment: what kind of world will future generations be looking at?

Four decades after coauthoring the groundbreaking and controversial Limits to Growth, Jorgen Randers offers a ne…

Fysiek in de collectie
Economische groei
Vooruitzichten economie
Bevolkingsontwikkelingen en de sociaaleconomische impact
Ecologische levenswijze
Jorgen Randers
Chelsea Green Publishing