Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

NBB Working Paper, 2019, 373: Research and development activities in Belgium : A snapshot of past investment for the country’s future

Oorspronkelijke titel: Research and development activities in Belgium : A snapshot of past investment for the country’s future
Publicatiejaar: 2019 Editie: 373 Aantal pagina's: 49

Recent changes in the accounting legislation regarding the accounting and disclosure of research and development (R&D) expenditure in the financial statements have triggered this research on the importance of this kind of activities and their impact at microeconomic level. Using survey data, a solid sample of 1,964 R&D companies was compiled. Based on this sample, some of the main characteristics of R&D firms are presented, such as sector of activity, age, geographic location, etc.

Bron: - 09-07-2019
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Belgische ondernemingen
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